"Tinsel Tunes: The Christmas Music Podcast, hosted by Duane Bailey, is the audio advent calendar you never knew you needed. This quirky, winter wonderland of a show delves into the frosty depths of holiday tunes, because nothing shrieks 'holiday season' like Mariah Carey on loop, right? Whether you're a Santa Claus enthusiast or a Christmas cracker connoisseur, this podcast will get your jingling all the way to Grandma's house. With fascinating yuletide trivia and behind-the-scenes peeks into your beloved carols, say 'goodbye' to the Grinch inside you. One must-listen episode, 'The Anatomy of a Christmas Carol', transforms you into a maestro of merriment. So, put on your toasty socks, grab a cup of cocoa, and prep up your festive playlist with the help of Tinsel Tunes!"