Prepare your eyeglasses and slip into your nerdy sweaters, folks! Welcome aboard "The WAN Show", hosted by the tech gurus Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere. Ever dreamt of turning your tech obsessions into friendly chatter over a hot cup of coffee? That’s The WAN Show for you! Conceived in the bustling labs of Linus Tech Tips, this podcast dives headfirst into the eccentric world of technology and gadgets! Expected audience? Everyone from passionate tech buffs to casual internet surfers looking to indulge their tech curiosity. From mind-boggling GPU discussions to intense internet security debates, you'll find it all. An example? Try the "Facebook Bracelet Turns Thoughts into Actions" episode. Sounds like sci-fi, right? Trust us, it's tech talk at its absolute best! The suspense, the drama, the...kernels? Get involved. It's a wild WAN world out there!