Feast your ears on 'The Dollop', a delightful dive into the absurdities of American history, hosted by comedy connoisseurs Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds. Imagine your whackiest history teacher amped up on espresso, or Monty Python does a lecture series - watching them unravel the most ludicrous, true tales that seem straight out of a fantastical fiction novel is a hoot! Targeting fans of humour, history, and histrionic theatrics, each episode covers a titbit of American arcana, all with a generous dollop of good-natured ribbing. So, buckle up, history buffs and light-hearted lovers of laughter alike, for a rollicking, historical hilarity ride, promising more twists and turns than a pretzel factory. And remember: in the words of Mark Twain, “Truth is stranger than fiction.” The Dollop is out to prove just that!