Science Times

Science Times
"Assemble your Bunsen burners, dust off your microscopes and roll out your periodic tables for Science Times! Our hosts, truly the Newton and Curie of our era, explore the sensational world of science, weaving quirky tales from the universe's wild web. Defying gravity, they contemplate about killer asteroids, dive into the DNA helix and take you on time travel escapades! Oh no, it's not static textbook nonsense, but dynamic discussions that'll ignite the Einstein in you. So, all innovators, know-it-alls, and curious nerdlings, buckle up to decipher the secrets of the cosmos! One jaw-dropping episode discusses the irony of 'Laughter: The Best Medicine?', a hilarious peek into how LOLs affect human health. Tune in, laugh out loud, and unravel more mind-blowing mysteries with Science Times!"
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