Dan Carlins Hardcore History Addendum

Dan Carlins Hardcore History Addendum
Hold onto your history hats, folks! "Dan Carlin's Hardcore History Addendum” is one bizarre rollercoaster ride through time, narrated by the one and only Dan Carlin. Serving up delicious bite-sized morsels of history, Carlin is your trusty (though slightly eccentric) tour guide through the annals of mankind. A special treat for history buffs, this podcast is heavy on facts and light on snooze-inducing lectures. Whether you fancy tales of washed-up emperors or dramatic pokings into political disputes, there's a war, revolution or regicide for every palate. Not for the faint-hearted or fans of fluffy kittens. If you're ready for the unadulterated truth, history raw and crispy, tuck into Dan Carlin's auditory banquet. One thing's for sure: you won't view your history teachers the same way again.
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