Cultivating HER Space Uplifting Conversations for the Black Woman

Cultivating HER Space Uplifting Conversations for the Black Woman
Roll out the royal carpet, ladies! Cultivating HER Space, hosted by the dynamic duo, Dr. Dominee Coneal and Terri Lomax, is a podcast for black women who wear their crowns with poise and purpose. Imagine a chat with your favorite strong-willed auntie, but make it academic and empowering. Dominee, a psychologist, and Terri, a tech maven, serve up thought-provoking conversations that range from mental health to wealth-building. They never shy away from the difficult topics, always seeking to uplift black women. Its 'queen-centric' sage advice is so uplifting, even the most stubborn tiara is bound to sit straighter. Don't miss out on the "Good Moms, Bad Choices" episode for a hearty dose of laughter and wisdom. Cultivating HER Space – because every woman deserves her throne! Step up and press play, Your Highness.
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