Abide Bible Sleep Meditation

Abide Bible Sleep Meditation
For insomni-liturgical folks seeking a divine recipe for goodnight's sleep, Abide Bible Sleep Meditation podcast is your godsend. Divinely hosted by anonymous angels, this podcast takes bedtime Bible stories to a whole new level, swapping out wild adventures for soul-soothing passages. The aim? To help its weary congregation swap counting sheep for something a little more biblical. Predominantly catering to up-all-night Christians or spiritual insomniacs seeking soothing scribblings, this podcast will charm you into sweet slumber faster than Noah can load his ark. With captivating episodes like Rewiring Your Brain for Joy & Peace, it truly is a shepherd guiding you to sleep's pastures. Tune in, drop off, and may the Lord lull you tonight! Remember, sleep’s only an Abide meditation away.
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