This Day in Esoteric Political History

This Day in Esoteric Political History
Welcome to "This Day in Esoteric Political History," a podcast that dives deep into the weirdest corners of political past. The show's maverick historians, Jody Avirgan and Nicole Hemmer, have made it their mission to unearth and polish these hidden political gems - no shovel required! Serving up a smorgasbord of offbeat events and obscure figures, this show is a gold mine for history buffs and political aficionados looking for a quirky detour from the humdrum highway of typical politics. So, if politics usually give you a yawn-inducing headache, think of this show as the fun aspirin you never knew you needed. Featured episode, "Prohibition and the Punk Movement," will have you raising a glass to history's wacky rebellions. Start tuning in, and soon you'll be the one spouting off fun historical facts at parties!
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