CNN Political Briefing

CNN Political Briefing
The CNN Political Briefing podcast, it's politics for all you policy wonks on the go! Fast paced yet insightful, our whip-smart host, David Chalian, previously a bingo caller, now fashions himself a political Paul Revere, keeping us alert on all things Washington. Combining CNN's clout with Chalian’s wit, it's a masterclass in making political news palatable. An undeniable treat for news junkies and the politically curious, this podcast is an informal briefing from the political news empire themselves. It’s like a daily espresso shot of politics – quick, potent, leaves you a lot more keyed up! Highlight? Their episode on election heat - like the pentathlon, but for electoral districts. So, if you fancy a Capitol binge, tune in. More exciting than watching the filibuster, we promise!
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